Sunday, August 14, 2005

Indiana State Fair

Well everybody, it's that time of year again. Time for the Indiana State Fair!. One of the longest running annual events of it's kind in the country, the Indiana State Fair is the sixth oldest.
Here's something cool - The Indiana State Fair has a blog! If you want to get a recap of activities, be sure to check out
What Would Summer Be Without It? Here is a cam view of the Midway.
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Sunday, August 7, 2005

Hometown Hero

With the Allstate 400 set to start in just mere hours, here is a story in today's Indy Star newspaper about local racing hero, Tony Stewart. Any fan of NASCAR surely recognizes Tony and his metoric rise on the racing circuit. Here's a story about how revered Tony Stewart is at home. Good luck Tony.
For Rushville and Columbus, Tony Stewart is their Elvis

Sale of 26 Marsh stores approved by bankruptcy court, remaining 18 stores to close

From Fox59 On Tuesday, FOX59 learned two companies won the bidding war: Topvalco and Generative Growth II. Topvalco is a Kroger subsidiary...