Saturday, September 9, 2006

Resist...: Friday

Resist...: Friday:
"As the for the rest of the 'review', well I use a blogger template and do not use a lot of code to 'pretty up' the site. The words are my own rambling thoughts, opinions and takes on life. I guess it is not for everyone but then again I am on the way to 40 while they are college age.

In the end I am glad they torched me. I got 67 hits on the day they reviewed me and my daily traffic has increased. It made me aware that the pop ups continue (I thought I got them Brent).

One comment did get to me though...How many 9/11 posts does one need they said. My response would be there should be one EVERY DAY! We are at war people, it is easy not to forget September 11th. Nobody alive on that day will never 'FORGET' September 11th. However there are not a lot of people who REMEMBER September 11th! "

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